Bonjour vous avez une belle forum,
banned today by the member onio2 primarily i assume because he wanted my attack huey,It all started when we were 20 people in the server i was lucky enought to grab the attack huey, Mr.onio2 was not in the server by far. I had a good time destroying mec's fire bases and AA's and recieved appreciation from my team, So far so good when suddenly a sexy french voice (no homo) told me something in the VOIP which i could not understand as i'm not speaking the language and seconds after i got banned, the reason was teamkiling or some shit. I would like to mention i never team killed or stole someones asset, allways was friendly and kind never meant harm to anyone i would highly appreciate it if one of the admins will take this to considration i don't really mind of getting unbanned it's just the childish behavior i couldn't stand. take care and god bells you.