[MIF]Team Made In France
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[MIF]Team Made In France

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Happy? Empty
MessageSujet: Happy?   Happy? Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Déc 2009, 13:53

I believe I can fly pretty well, I didn't crash the cobra in the round before (I have flown about an hour in that cobra) I did these things mentioned in the other topic. When someone get killed and/or someone crashes on accident, you just perm. ban that guy. The [MIF]Astragale59 and that other person who teamkilled me won't get a ban or whatever, just because they are [MIF]. You can check it up on the logs that two [MIF] guys teamkilled me on that day, one of them was [MIF]Astragale59.

When you're eating your turkey and your baguette tomorrow, think about it that you banned someone because he had the bad luck to be killed by an AA vehicle.

For always off here.

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Nombre de messages : 1986
Age : 42
Localisation : Vaucluse - 84
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2008

Happy? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Happy?   Happy? Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Déc 2009, 14:00

Ok now i think you're happy so listen to me kid :

Now, stop whinning and stop your racist language !

last warning, or perm ban, and ban for other PR servers.

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