[MIF]Team Made In France
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[MIF]Team Made In France

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Ecran PC gaming 23,8″ – ACER KG241Y P3bip à 99,99€
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 PR banned

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PR banned Empty
MessageSujet: PR banned   PR banned Icon_minitimeVen 15 Oct 2010, 19:42


I have been banned from MIF now like year without knowing what was the reason. It is not the "full server" bug. The reason what it says about the ban is "excessive teamkilling" which makes me thinking that might it have been happening when I have been in some vehicle (like heli) and crashed with others inside of it. Hard to say because I didn't notice when I get that ban, I just find it out at some point. The player name should be J0ntt1 or similiar.
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